
What Is A Contingency Fee?

Our Personal Injury lawyers work for a “contingency fee.” That basically means that we don’t get paid unless you do.  As a result, you can schedule a consultation with our office at no charge and have your questions answered. If you decide to proceed, we can discuss the details of our fee arrangements at that time.

How a Contingency Fee Agreement Works

When we take a case on a contingency basis, we create an agreement for you to sign that defines a percentage of the total compensation you receive as our payment.  Whether that settlement is achieved through negotiations or through going to court, our fee will be the same. You will not have to pay a lawyer bill or pay for our hourly rate no matter how many hours it takes for us to complete your case.

We offer this option to our clients because we understand that most people do not expect to be injured and have not saved up money to pay legal fees. We believe that everyone deserves the benefit of legal expertise. We think that this fee structure levels the playing field and makes it possible for anyone, regardless of their income status, to receive the legal support and representation that they deserve.

You receive several benefits from this arrangement, including:

  • You do not have to pay a retainer when you hire an attorney.
  • You will not be billed on an ongoing basis, which means that you will not have to budget for paying legal fees.
  • You always know what percentage of your settlement will be paid towards attorney’s fees.
  • You and your lawyer have a shared interest in achieving the maximum settlement amount.

Essentially, when you work with a personal injury attorney on a contingency basis, you can receive the same quality of legal assistance that you would receive if you paid a large retainer and continued to pay an hourly rate.

Call Our Office to Discuss Your Case

If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer to take your case on a contingency basis, call our office to schedule a consultation at (850) 695-8331. We will be happy to meet with you and to discuss the specifics of your accident and injury, and then present you with advice regarding how to best proceed with your case.

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